Annual Maintenance Contract

Committed to provide quality services

Good maintenance is vital, no matter what kind of maintenance we are talking about. Pyelbar Lokchey Private Limited provides Annual Maintenance Contact (AMC) to businesses ranging from Institutions & Offices, Private and Government buildings, Football stadiums, etc.

Some of Advantages of our Annual Maintenance Contact are:

  1. Continuous updates/upgrades to the system ensuring optimal performance and productivity,
  2. Long-term cost savings in appliances purchase and function,
  3. Expertise knowledge base,
  4. Preventative maintenance (goal: no breakdowns),
  5. Quick response (if breakdowns),
  6. Increased longevity of appliances,
  7. Expert technicians available to answer the tough questions,
  8. No coverage lapses,
  9. No hourly/point wise charges for service,
  10. Keeps Company on time and in compliance.

Our previous AMC clients includes Bhutan Football Federation (Changlimithang Stadium and Changjiji Stadium) and Paro College of Education.